Szemináriumok 2014 - ZJ

"Everybody is desiring you"

Coping with the wishes of my heart. - Zaharia Júlia

'There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.' George Bernard Shaw seems to understand quite a bit about the nature of desire, as it manifests itself this side of heaven. How about what God intended it to be? And how do my desires affect my relationship with God and vice-versa? It is a hard enough path to walk on, the one that leads us to the understanding of being creatures with desires, but what is the next step? What should I do once I've learned how to recognize my desires. Check out this workshop if you can think about at least one sentence starting with 'I desire...' 

Julia, but you can call me JuliJoyful - what I most like to be
Jazz - is my favorite style of music, besides reggae. 
Jogging in the morning - one of the most inspiring things for me
Jacuzzi - is nice  
János - would be the name of my love if translated into Hungarian...

I like words, I am finishing my studies in Lutheran Theology and I am an introvert.

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